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Myths vs Facts

Know the science behind

Welcome to the NEW U (Nutrition, Exercise & Wellness consultancy by Ushma) Help Center. We have compiled some of the most frequent myths & facts heard from clients over the years. Perhaps you’re wondering the same thing that was on somebody else’s mind. Should you have any other queries that were missed, do not hesitate to reach out.

Dietician vs Nutritionist. Are they different?

Dietician & Nutritionist are synonyms. 
Both have the same/similar qualifications. The job profile they choose might vary. Both of them know about counseling & you can visit any of them.

Do we have to starve to lose weight?

Definitely not. 
Starving, being hungry will never make you lose weight.
Eating well-balanced meal is ideal with small & frequent meals.

Does Green tea, Detox diet, Lemon water with/without honey, and other fancy items make you lose weight?

Neither a single food item nor any of these items mentioned above are capable to make you lose weight.
Right percent of Carbs, Proteins & Fats of total Calories consumed will make you achieve health goals.

Honey and/or Jaggery is better than sugar and can be consumed by Diabetics as well as those aiming to lose weight

Both increases sugar and are accounted for as empty calories, giving you no additional health benefit.
Honey is an 80% Sucrose (Sucrose chemical ingredient present in Sugar).
Jaggery is less processed as compared to sugar, but will raise sugar levels.

We can lose weight in a matter of 10 days to 30 days to 3 months to max 6 months

Weight loss is not a short term goal.
The weight you lose in a short period will come back in a short period again called "YO-YO EFFECT".

A diet plan with some walking is ideal plan to achieve our health goal

Its a Lifestyle plan, and not a mere Diet plan with some walking that is must to achieve a health goal.

Right Nutrition, Exercise & Wellness together make a Lifestyle Plan.

A Lifestyle plan has to be followed through life, not just for a temporary period.

Do we need to invest in food items that are fancy, exotic & expensive

Go local, as the new Indian Campaign is perfect for diet too.

We have a reasonable replacement for expensive food items, for eg;

Barley instead of Oats

Rajgeera instead of Quinoa

Black tea instead of Green tea


Exercising is enough to make you lose weight & compensate for wrong diet

You cannot outrun a wrong diet with exercising. Our body doesn't Compensate.
Exercising without following a proper diet regime is more dangerous.

Gym is the only saviour when it comes to losing weight & body toning

All exercises can be done at home.

The gym is one option for those who cannot work out at home.

Those who need company and motivation, prefer going to the gym.


We need to eat for 2 people during pregnancy.

We just need an extra calorie of about 350 kcal along with our daily need for calories.

2 chapati per day additionally is 350 kcal, which is definitely not a 2 person's requirement.


A diet plan followed by other who achieved his/her health goal can be followed by others if its a same health goal

One size doesn't fit all, as the saying goes. 

Every individual has a different body structure, BMR, requiring the same nutrients but in different quantities.

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