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  • Writer's pictureushmaharia

Simple kitchen & lifestyle hacks to boost your Immunity

Updated: Sep 6, 2020

God has gifted us with great immunity. He has given 2 defence systems (WBC's & T & B cells) to fight against virus & bacterial attack.

Boosting this immunity is essential and cannot happen overnight. It has to be build over a years together.

Kitchen hacks

super foods like spices, seeds
Super foods
  1. Include spices by boiling them in water and having it throughout the day.

  2. Include foods rich in omega 3 fats like flaxseeds, walnuts & fish.

  3. Include rainbow diet (colourful seasonal foods)

  4. Add fresh Amla, aka Indian gooseberry, a super super food richest in Vitamin C in daily diet.

  5. Choose whole grain cereals & pulses over refined and processed grains


Lifestyle hacks

  1. Reduce stress & Improve sleep by meditation and/or yoga

  2. Increase happy hormones by being physical activity throughout the day

  3. Indulge in hobbies for minimum of 30 mins per day.

  4. Keep doing these for lifetime.

Right attitude combined with right food & lifetime lifestyle modifications works to strengthen your Immunity.

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